Update Vendor

PUT /vendors/{id}

Update vendor. The id is obtained through the Create Vendor and List Vendors endpoint.


PUT https://marketplace.cloutly.com/api/v2/vendors/{id}

   // Optional
   "name": "my supplier X",
   "address": "123 abc street, NSW",
   "industry": "New industry",
   "logoUrl": "https://your-hosted-url.com/business-1",


  "id": "5ef7b45b-2fd2-4719-88fd-96ef62f9d4a4",
  "name": "My Supplier X",
  "address": "123 abc street, NSW"


  • Any change to the business properties will not affect the review scanning or authorized sites. This endpoint will update data within our systems only.

  • Adding googlePlaceId in this call with have no effect

Last updated