Create Vendor

Create a Supplier

POST /vendors

Create a new vendor. In the response body, the id property is what you will use for accessing all other resources for that vendor (aka. vendorId). Ensure to persist this in your DB.



   // required
   "name": "My Supplier's Business Name", 
   "senderName": "Supplier R Us",
   "address": "12 Main St, Gold Coast, Australia",
   "industry": "Restaurant and Hospitality",
   "website": "",
   "logoUrl": "",
   // optional
   "googlePlaceId": "XXXX",
   "facebookUrl": ""


  "id": "5ef7b45b-2fd2-4719-88fd-96ef62f9d4a4",
  "name": "My Supplier's Business Name",
  "senderName": "Suppier R Us",
  "website": "",
  "googlePlaceId": "XXXXX",

Important Recommendations:

  • name field MUST be as close as possible to the real vendor name.

  • Use the senderName field to display short/user-friendly names. We display senderName externally. name is used as an internal reference.

  • address field should be a full string with as much detail as possible. We use this to identify vendor industryu

  • industry can be any descriptive string. We normalise the industry on our side.


Last updated